Konknni बदल

Sobdxastr (Sobdachem mull) बदल

Derived from the Arabic word jawab meaning response, answer, rejoinder (noun)

Uchchar बदल

  • zo baab
  • zobâb

nam’ (masculine noun) बदल


  1. Zap, ut’tor, जाप, उत्तर
    • Porikxent vicharank zobab divnk zai = We have to write answers to the questions in the examination

Somanorth बदल

Zap, ut’tor, portipal

Inglez बदल

  • Answer, response, rejoinder

Sondorbh बदल

"https://gom.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Zobab&oldid=18436" चे कडल्यान परतून मेळयलें