Konknni बदल


Makabeusachem Poilem Pustok somplam thoim thaun hea dusrea Pustokachi survat zaina. Hea pustokachi survat matxi adim suru zata. Hea pustokachem mhotv mhollear, melolim punorjivont zatat mhonn khatri dita

Inglezint ( in English ) बदल


Hindint ( in Hindi ) बदल

मकाबेयुसाचे दूसरें पुसतक

Polleiat बदल

Modern English to Konkani Dictionary - Isidore Dantas.pdf

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An English-Konkani Dictionary, Angelus Francis Xavier Maffei, S.J., 1883.

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Sondorbh बदल

पवित्र बाइबिल / The Holy Bible in Hindi

Books of the BIBLE

Adlea Korarachim Pustokam (Old Testament Books)

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