Konknni बदल

Her rup बदल

Chomcho, चमचो

Sobdxastr (Sobdachem mull) बदल

Derived from the Portuguese word colher meaning spoon(feminine noun)

Uchchar बदल

ku lher

nam’ (neutral noun) बदल

  1. spoon
    • Cheav firovnk kulerachi goroz poddtta = A spoon is needed to stir the tea.
  2. Meter-kuler is used for those persons who meddle in others affairs

Somanorth बदल


Inglez बदल

  • Spoon

Sondorbh बदल

"https://gom.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Kuler&oldid=18254" चे कडल्यान परतून मेळयलें