Konknni बदल

Her rup बदल

Sobdxastr (Sobdachem mull) बदल

Derived from the Portuguese word cadeira meaning chair, subject (feminine noun)

Uchchar बदल


nam’ (noun) बदल


  1. a separate seat for a person with back and four legs, person in charge of a meeting, a separate department in the University for a subject, president ship, seat
    • Kodelik lagun zhogddim zalim = There was a tussle for the chair.
    • Nattok ghorant kodeli boreo astat = The chairs in the theatre are good

kriapod( verb) बदल

kodel dinvk

Somanorth बदल

khurchi, ason, boska, odheokxpod, Vidheapitthacho vixoicho bhag

खुर्ची, आसन, बसका, अध्यक्षपद, विद्यापिठाचो विशयाचो भाग.

Inglez बदल

  • Chair

Sondorbh बदल

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