Konknni बदल


Hea pustokant lhan-lhan xittkavnniô asat. Babilonient thaun portolole poile Judev Dev-mondir bandunk sôdtat, tanchi humed môddtat. Hea vixim hea pustokant vachunk mellta. 

Inglezint ( in English ) बदल


Hindint ( in Hindi ) बदल


Polleiat बदल

Modern English to Konkani Dictionary - Isidore Dantas.pdf

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An English-Konkani Dictionary, Angelus Francis Xavier Maffei, S.J., 1883.

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Sondorbh बदल

पवित्र बाइबिल / The Holy Bible in Hindi

Books of the BIBLE

Adlea Korarachim Pustokam (Old Testament Books)

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